The Berowra Cricket Club in the 2022/23 Season had over 130 registered juniors, over 12 team. Over the years, we have grown from strength to strength with the junior program.
Berowra Cricket Club every year enters teams into the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai & Hills District Cricket Association (HK&HDCA). Registrations are open to boys and girls in from ages 8 and up.
This competition is the next step for a junior after participating in the Master Blasters. Matches are played on grounds in the North Shore, Hornsby and Hills District areas against other teams in the association including West Pennant Hills, Castle Hill, Hornsby, Asquith, Kissing Point, Mt Colah, Thornleigh, Normanhurst-Warrawee, Glenorie and Kenthurst.
Age group: U8's to U17's
Teams: U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15 and U17
Game Length: 2 to 4 hours (Games are played Saturday Mornings between 8am to 12:30pm)
Season: TBC for 24/25 Season
Benefits: Play fun games of cricket with new and old friends
Play real games of Cricket
Make new friends and be a part of a local community
Training provided on weekly basis
Contact: Fred O'Connor - 0468 697 492 or bccjuniorenquiries@gmail.com
Age groups and Competitions
The U8 to U11 age groups are non-competition - games can be won, lost, drawn and tied but there is no competition ladder. From U12 onwards points are awarded and the top 4 teams will compete in Semi Finals and then Finals.
Juniors playing in Seniors
From time to time throughout the season, to help put teams on the field, there are opportunities for our U14 and older players to play in the Senior competition, which takes place on Saturday afternoons between 12pm and 6pm throughout the season.
Individual Award Winners 2023-24 Season

Perpetual Award Winners 2023-24 Season

Click the Link Below to see the Junior Cricket Season Report 23/24